• Mansfield, Texas
  • Mon - Sun 6:00 am - 11:00 pm
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Youssef Gebril

Unity Youssef Gebril

Youssef Gebril

Quran & JiuJitsu Teacher
Courses of Expertise
  • Quran Memorization and Interpretation
  • JijJitsu Martial Arts

About Scholar

Yousef Gebril  was born in New Jersey, USA. but was raised in Cairo, Egypt. He memorized the Quran at a young age of 10 years. He’s a passionate Quran reciter and Jijitsu teacher.

He is  licensed and certified in Quran reading and memorization from Sheikh Mohamed Gebril in

قراءه حفص عن عاصم من طريق الطيبه

He’s currently holding  a purple belt in Jiujitsu, winning multiple accolades and awards in the sport.

Yousef Gebril currently teaches Quran reading and memorization at Unity Center. He also teaches JiuJitsu for the youth.

Mosque services the following cities: Mansfield, Arlington ,Grand Prairie, and Midlothian.